I received the following email today from Phil McDonald. I know this was a difficult decision for the AAW board to make, but it was the right thing to do to ensure the safety of the AAW members who would have tried to attend the symposium in Louisville, Kentucky.
The cancellation is unfortunate on many fronts: 1) for the revenue loss that AAW will face, 2) the revenue loss by venders and artists, 3) the economic impact the loss of a large convention will have on Louisville, 4) the loss of opportunity faced by the demonstrators, and 5) the loss of community for attendees. This symposium is a highlight of the year for many woodturners from around the globe. I know I will miss seeing everyone. We live in difficult times right now, and I hope everyone is staying safe, social distancing, and practicing good hygiene.
Here's the letter from AAW:
Hello Andi:
Speaking on behalf of the Board and staff, we are humbled by the outpouring of support we have seen since announcing the cancellation of the AAW Symposium. I thank you for the patience and empathy you offered while the AAW went through the process of making this difficult decision.
While the financial outcome of the symposium cancellation remains uncertain, we are confident that any negative effects to the AAW organization will be manageable. The AAW Board provided strong leadership under difficult circumstances, working with experts who helped to guide us through the process. We are heartened by your offers of financial support. AAW is gracious for all charitable donations and please keep us in your plans during our fall 2020 fundraising campaign.
At present, there are many others who will be impacted more severely than AAW by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the AAW Symposium cancellation. Now is a time for all of us to focus our emotional support where it will be needed most, on friends, neighbors, and families who may fall victim to the virus.
The AAW Symposium cancellation, together with proper social distancing, is impacting the livelihoods of our vendors, demonstrators, and artists, and has disrupted our local chapter functions. Think about spending part of your symposium fee, airfare, and hotel to support our vendors, demonstrators, and artists, or organizations working to help fight the COVID-19 pandemic. Your online purchases could tip the scales for small businesses, keeping them afloat in these very challenging times.
Here’s how you can help:
Make online purchases from businesses who would have been exhibitors in the 2020 AAW trade show (see attached list).
Make online purchases from woodturning artists.
Gift an AAW membership to a friend or colleague to keep them connected as part of the woodturning community.
Purchase gift certificates to support the businesses you care about.
Encourage your chapters to look into scheduling demonstrators who are available to deliver interactive remote demonstrations.
Donate any unused N95 masks and respirators, and eye protection to local hospitals, medical facilities, or organizations.
Donate blood locally.
Thank grocery store clerks, nurses and doctors, police officers and fire fighters, sanitation workers, delivery people, and the list goes on.
Check in with elderly friends, neighbors, and chapter members by regularly calling, video chatting, or sending a text.
Support your local food bank.
In the coming weeks, we will be staying in regular communication about alternative ways of offering woodturning content and engagement online to keep the AAW Symposium spirit going strong. Let us know your creative ideas by sending a note to memberservices@woodturner.org.
We’re facing these uncertain times together and are rallying to help the woodturning community stay safe, informed, active, and connected. Please continue to make and create, which will help you keep active and strong.
Yours respectfully,
Phil McDonald, Executive Director on behalf of the AAW Board and staff
American Association of Woodturners
222 Landmark Center
75 5th St W, Saint Paul, MN 55102
651-484-9094 | memberservices@woodturner.org